Custom Variation

VideoPro provides some Custom Variations field for widgets. They will change the style of widgets in homepage.

It is very easy to add Custom Variation to a widget. You can add any widget to the sidebar then see all options of Widgets, you will see Widget Custom Variation option. Enter your own Custom CSS class here.

The lists bellow are some Custom Variations field of VideoPro theme you should notice when you have used to your website:

  • dark-div:  turn widget background into dark. This appears on Email Subscribe widget of Right Sidebar position.


The result:


  • small-padding: used to reduce widget content padding. This Custom variation appears on Buy MemberShip widget of Right Sidebar position.


The result:


  • menu-list: used to style footer menu. This Custom Variation appears on Information widget on Footer Sidebar.


The result:


  • white-div: turn widget background into white. This Custom Variation appears on Buy Membership widget on Left Sidebar.


The result:
