Using Player Logic in Video Post

Player Logic is a default feature from VideoPro help you to control video player visibility by using shortcode or condition function

Using shortcode

[my_shortcode][player][/my_shortcode] ([player] is required)

You can use shortcode from a third-party plugin to protect the content with the specific conditions.

For example:

  • Using Social Locker plugin shortcode to lock player behind a set of social buttons until the visitor likes, shares, +1s or tweets your page
    Syntax in Back-end

    Social Locker locks on Video Player
  • Using WPMU Membership 2 shortcode [ms-protect-content][/ms-protect-content] to control video player visibility with Membership protection rules
    Syntax in Back-end

    WPMU Membership 2 locks on Video Player

Using condition function

You can use a Conditional Tag to control video player visibility, when the condition function return true, then visitors can see video player, or else the Alternative Content would be showed up

For example:  is_user_logged_in() is a condition function to check if user is logged in, then the video player can be showed, or else visitors would receive “(Demo for Player Logic) This content is hidden. You need to login to see the player.” message

Syntax in Back-end
Alternative content in Front end