These settings will appear under the Video Extensions menu when Membership 2 plugin is installed:
1. Create Channels Roles
Create Channels (Limited): Number of channels allowed to create (when users are in a limited membership)
Create Channels (Limited): Choose Memberships of which users can create a limited number of channels
Create Channels Unlimited: Choose Memberships of which users can create an unlimited number of channels
Example of a user who reaches the limit to create channels
2. Create Playlists Roles
Create Playlists (Limited): Number of playlists allowed to create (when users are in a limited membership)
Create Playlists (Limited): Choose Memberships of which users can create a limited number of playlists
Create Playlists Unlimited: Choose Memberships of which users can create an unlimited number of playlists
3. Upload Videos Roles
Upload Videos (Limited): Number of videos allowed to upload (when users are in a limited membership) NOTE: Theme will sum up all submitted videos an user uploaded (NOT only videos in Channel/Playlist)
Upload Videos (Limited): Choose Memberships of which users can upload a limited number of videos
Upload Videos Unlimited: Choose Memberships of which users can upload an unlimited number of videos
Example of a user who reaches the limit to upload videos
4. Video Ads
Disable Video Ads: Choose Memberships of which users will not see video ads
5. Other Settings
Number of days before Expired Date to show warning: if user subscription is about to expired, a warning message will appear. Enter number of days before the Expired Date to show the warning message here.
Warning Message: Use this text to add Membership Name Tag: {name_tag} and this text to add number of days before expired date: {days}. HTML tags are allowed to use in this message. For example: Your subscriptions: {name_tag} is about to expired in {days} days
By default, the warning message is shown in user Profile Page (used with Theme My Login plugin) or in BuddyPress Profile Page (used with BuddyPress plugin). You can also use this shortcode to display the message anywhere: [vp_member_expired_message].
Expired Error Message: Use this text to add Membership Name Tag: {name_tag} and this text to add number of days before expired date: {days}. HTML tags are allowed to use in this message. For example: Your subscription: {name_tag} is expired
By default, the expired message is shown where the buttons of Create Channel, Create Playlist or Upload Video are. You can also use this shortcode to display the message anywhere: [vp_member_expired_message]