Translate the Alphabet of Actors Listing page

alphabetTo translate the characters (the Alphabet) of Actors Listing page (as you can see at into your language, please add these 2 filters below into your Child Theme‘s functions.php file:
add_filter('videopro_language_characters_count', 'my_language_characters_count');
function my_language_characters_count($count){
return 26; // (*)

add_filter('videopro_language_character', 'my_language_character', 10, 2);
function my_language_character($character, $index){
return $character; // (**)

In which,

  • (*) 26 is the number of characters in your language
  • (**) $character variable holds the character at $index in your language. For example, at index 0 in English, $character is “A”.

An example of this translation can be done as the following code:

add_filter('videopro_language_character', 'my_language_character', 10, 2);
function my_language_character($character, $index){
$all_characters = array('C1','C2','C3');
return $all_characters [$index];

Now all you need to do is to add all characters of your language in $all_characters array (‘C1′,’C2′,’C3’,etc).

NOTE: these filters are available since Cactus Actors plugin version 1.0.4


An example of convert the Alphabet in Actor Listing page to Hebrew language